Monday, December 9, 2013

Winter Concert Information

Winter/Holiday Concerts
Tuesday, December 10th:  7th & 8th Grade Orchestra concert.  Concert starts at 6:30 PM, students report between 6:00 & 6:15 to tune and be seated.
Thursday, December 12th:  6th Grade Orchestra, fiddlers, viola choir, and cello choir.  Concert starts at 6:30 PM, students report between 6:00 & 6:15 to tune and be seated
Friday, December 13th:  Fiddlers perform in the morning at Frey Elementary @ 7:15AM

Concert Uniforms
***6th Grade:  Polos have been handed out in class today.  The 6th grade uniform is White polo, tucked in.  Black dress pants.  Black dress shoes.
***7th & 8th Grade:  Formal uniforms have been delivered and handed out in class.  The girls dresses and boys pants will need to be hemmed.  Dresses should be hemmed to ankle length.   The uniform is as follows:
Boys - White tuxedo shirt, black bow tie, Black tux/dress pants, black socks, black dress shoes
Girls - Solid black, ankle length dress.  Black dress shoes.  No open toe please.

Practice Logs
Practice logs are due on 12/10.  We are making a final push for EVERY student to do their personal best in preparation for our concerts.  Parents, if you don't see instruments coming home... this would be a sign that your child is not practicing and reaching his/her potential.

Friday, November 15, 2013

Yankee Candle Pick Up 11/19

The Durham Music department's Yankee Candle Fundraiser pick-up will be Tuesday, Nov. 19th from 4:30pm-7:30pm.  If you have placed an order, please come during this time.


Thursday, October 31, 2013

Orchestra Uniforms

Hello Parents,

Uniform order forms were sent home on Monday.  The due date for the forms and payment is 11/6.
Here is a copy if yours was misplaced.  Thank you!

Click Here for 7th & 8th Grade Uniform
Click Here for 6th Grade Uniform

Monday, October 21, 2013

TV and Movie Concert!

Hi Parents and Students,

Tomorrow is our 6th Annual TV and Movie Extravaganza featuring the Durham and Allatoona Orchestras!

When: Tuesday, 10/22/13. Students report at 7:00PM. Concert starts at 7:30PM.
Where: Allatoona High School Gym
Who: All members of the 6th, 7th, and 8th grade orchestras, plus AHS Orchestras!
What: This is our first concert of the year! We will perform themes from TV and the Movies.
COSTUME: To fit the theme of the concert, orchestra members are invited to wear a costume (a favorite TV or movie character, or something just plain fun). Otherwise, regular casual school outfits will be fine for this concert.
*Please avoid costumes that might be considered offensive, unpatriotic, or otherwise scary for children in the audience!*
Arrival: Middle school students should be at Allatoona at 7:00PM, in order to tune and be set up. Performance begins at 7:30 PM!

Thank you,

Mr. Schroter and Ms. Parker

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Class Updates

Hello Parents,

Here are just a few updates about what we are doing in Orchestra and some reminders for each grade level.

8th Grade: All students are now playing two octave scales during their warm ups. The pieces we are currently working on are "Night Shift" by Richard Meyer and "Themes from Edward Scissorhands" by Danny Elfman. Students should be practicing both pieces. Reminder: Forms and the deposit for the Disney field trip are due on Friday, September 13. 

7th Grade: Students are playing out of their Essential Elements books up to page 15, working on high 3rd fingers (violin and viola), extensions (cello), and half position (bass). We are also learning the theme from "Jurassic Park" by John Williams. Students should be practicing their piece and the exercises in the book. The students had their first playing test for the year this week and they did very well overall!

6th Grade: 6th Grade is off to a great start! Here are the following things students should be practicing at home:

1. Left hand shape and position, pizzicato (plucking)
2. Right hand shape and position (bow grips)
3. Shoulder position (violins and violas)
4. Proper bow movement

6th Grade students have learned the D Major Scale. Violins and violas have learned shoulder position and all students will be playing open strings with the bow by the end of this week. Left hand shape, posture, and position are all explained with picture diagrams in the beginning of their books on page Students should also be practicing correct bow grips, which is explained in page 11 of their book. Correct posture, position, and bow grips are being emphasized and should be reinforced when they practice.

The year is off to a great start and we are excited to see how the students continue to musically develop throughout the school year! If you have any questions, please contact us at

Mr. Schroter and Ms. Parker

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Parents, please fill out this parent information form so that we can keep our records updated.
If you have more than one child in the orchestra, please complete the form for each child.  
Thank you so much!!!

Also, we handed out a sheet that includes our materials list and our most important calendar dates.
Your child should give that sheet to you.

Saturday, August 3, 2013

Welcome to Durham Orchestra!!!

Welcome to the 2013-2014 school year!  This is going to be an AWESOME year.  We are expecting some great classes, activities, field trips, and performances.  We also have a new assistant director, Jennifer Parker, who is looking forward to meeting the Durham Orchestra community.

Best wishes for a wonderful year!
~Mr. Schroter and Ms. Parker

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Spring Concert Information

7th & 8th Grade Spring Concert
Date: Tuesday, May 7th
Time: 7:30 PM
Location: Durham Theater
Uniform: Formal Gowns and Tuxedos
Arrival: Students arrive between 7:00 and 7:15 in order to tune and be seated

6th Grade, Fiddlers, Viola choir, Cello choir Spring Concert
Date: Thursday, May 9th
Time: 6:30 PM
Location: Durham Theater
Uniform: Orchestra Polo, black pants, black dress shoes
Arrival: Students arrive between 6:00 and 6:15 in order to tune and be seated

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

LGPE is on 3/6 for 7th Grade.  
LGPE is on 3/7 for 8th Grade.

2013 LGPE Itinerary for the day of your evaluation

Homeroom:     Bring instrument and Formal Uniform to school. (Remember to label)
4:00     Report to Orchestra Room, change in PE locker room, eat a snack.
4:30     Warm-up Room
5:00     Performance Evaluation
5:30     Sight Reading Evaluation
6:00     Watch 2 orchestras
7:00     Go home with parents           

Monday, February 25, 2013

Volunteers and Donations Needed

It's the time of year that every director just LOVES.... evaluations!

We will be hosting LGPE next week on 3/6 & 3/7.

If you are able to volunteer time, please click here

If you are able to donate items, please click here

 In addition to Durham, orchestra groups from Lost Mountain, Lovinggood, Palmer, Pine Mountain, Awtrey, Barber, and McClure will be evaluated in our school.

Our beta students and parent volunteers did an outstanding job last year, and we were complimented by the judges as well as county officials.  I know we can do a great job this year too!  Something like this takes community effort, and Durham sure knows how to pitch in!
Thanks everyone :)

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

7th & 8th Grade Concert This Week

Dear Parents:

This is a reminder that our Pre-LGPE concert is on Thursday, 2/21.
The concert is an important part of our preparation for orchestra evaluations.
We will be giving you important information about our formal evaluations, which will take place on 3/6 & 3/7.

Who:  All 7th and 8th grade orchestra members
What:  Pre-LGPE concert
Date:  Thursday, 2/21
***Time: 7PM, students arrive between 6:30 and 6:45.  We will be done before 8PM.
Dress:  Informal, students can wear school clothes.

***Please note the time change compared to our original 6:30 start time.  There will be a SPLOST presentation for the community that will run from 6:30 - 7:00 PM.  Our orchestra performance will immediately follow. 

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Disney Parent Meeting on 1/29

We will be having a mandatory disney parent meeting on Tuesday, January 29th.
Chaperones should meet at 6:30PM in the orchestra room.
All other parents will meet at 7:30PM in the theater. 
(chaperones, plan to stay so that you can meet your designated students' parents).

~one parent is fine.  students do not need to be in attendance for this meeting.

Disney Refund Update

Dear 8th Grade Parents, We have been notified that the travel agency has sent out the refund check to Durham. When we receive the che...