Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Playing Test for 7th & 8th Grade

Playing tests will begin on 12/3 and end on 12/4
8th Grade 

Violin: Hanukkah Lights
Viola:  Irish Yuletide
Cello:  Irish Yuletide
Bass:  March of the Nutcracker
7th Grade 
Violin: 1st Violin Toy Flutes, 1st Violin Holiday Hoedown 
Viola:  Toy Flutes    
Cello:  Toy Flutes
Bass:  Holiday Hoedown

Monday, December 1, 2014

December Calendar


Wednesday, December 10th
Who:  6th Grade orchestra, Fiddlers, Viola Choir, and Cello Choir
Students Report between 6:30 – 6:45 PM
Concert is at 7:00 PM in the Durham Theater
Uniform for 6th Grade: White Polo tucked in, Black pants, Black Dress Shoes

Thursday, December 11th
Who:  7th Grade Orchestra and 8th Grade Orchestra
Students Report between 6:30 – 6:45 PM
Concert is at 7:00 PM in the Durham Theater
Uniform is Tuxedos and Black gowns, Black Dress Shoes

Tuesday, December 16th
Who: Fiddlers
Performing for Frey Elementary students as they enter school
Report to Frey at 7AM
Wear your fiddler shirt.  (And a Santa hat if you have one!)
We will walk back to Durham around 8AM and have a holiday breakfast party

Thursday, November 6, 2014


Yankee Candle Fundraiser pick-up will be:
Tuesday Nov. 11th from 4:30pm-7pm. 
Last Names A-L will pick up between 4:30-5:45pm. 
Last Names M-Z will pick up between 5:45-7pm. 

We will need volunteers to help unload the truck and sort in the morning, as well as people to help during the afternoon pick-up time. If you would like to sign up, please use the link below! Thank you, in advance, for your time and support! www.SignUpGenius.com/go/8050D49AAAA2BA57-yankee

Thursday, October 23, 2014

TV and Movie Concert Details!

 7th Annual TV and Movie Music Extravaganza!!!
Featuring the Durham and Allatoona Orchestras

When:  Thursday, 10/30/14.  Students report at 7:00 PM.  Concert starts at 7:30PM.
Where:  Allatoona High School Gym
Who:  All members of 6th, 7th, and 8th grade orchestras.  Plus AHS orchestras!
What:  Our first concert of the year! We will perform themes from TV and the Movies. 
Costume:  To fit the theme of the concert, orchestra members are invited to wear a costume (a favorite TV or movie character, or something just plain fun).  Otherwise, regular casual school outfits will be fine for this concert. 
*Please avoid costumes that might be considered offensive, unpatriotic, or otherwise scary for children in the audience!
Arrival:  Middle school students should be at Allatoona at 7:00 PM, in order to tune and be set up. 
Music Stand:  If you have your own portable music stand, please bring it to the concert.

Friday, October 3, 2014

8th Grade Music Trip


We handed out the music department trip information and forms today.
If you need an extra copy please click HERE

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Music Department Fundraiser

Dear Parents,       

          The Durham Middle School Music Department fundraiser will kick off on 9/23/14 and will end on 10/06/14.  This fundraiser is an opportunity for the music department to provide the students in our program with the best musical experience.

     This year's fundraiser will be with YANKEE CANDLE!  Our fundraiser will help support our program and provide various musical experiences that are vital to our program.  We are allotted money by the district, but are only allowed to use those funds for tangible items and equipment.  Depending on the success of the fundraiser, our profits will provide some of the following throughout the school year:

        Professional clinicians and instrumental specialists to work with the students.
        Classroom time with guest conductors
        Accompanist for performances and rehearsals
        Master Classes for specific instruments and voices
        Recordings of performances for classroom learning and special performances
        Pre-Festival Camps
        Field trip funding as needed
        Clinicians for extra-curricular ensembles
        Special musical events and performances
        Teacher In-service and All-State Expenses
        Professional Organization Dues
        Student Awards
        Classroom updates and supplies as needed
        Scholarships at teacher discretion
        A fraction of funds may be carried over to the following school year in order to provide these same services to start out the year.   

With your support, our students will benefit educationally.  Our goal is to provide the best musical opportunity for your children.  We feel that this fundraiser is one way that we can provide additional musical experiences that will enhance your child's musical education.

Thank you for your continuous support,
Your Durham Music Team

Monday, August 4, 2014

Welcome To Orchestra 2014-2015!

Hello!  We are so glad you have decided to be a part of the orchestra program for the 2014-2015 school year.  The orchestras at Durham continue to be a vital part of our community and we are thrilled to have such high-achieving students involved in playing strings.  Please refer to the calendar to the right as we will always keep it updated.

6th Grade:  We are in the middle of recruiting week and students are able to have an exploration of the music ensembles.  We will send home registration forms on Thursday.  Students should bring the signed form to school on Friday.  No experience necessary.  Just bring a signed form stating you want to be in orchestra and you will be part of the group!!!   

Also, we will have a music open house on Thursday evening!!! Parents can ask us any questions you may have, and students can play on our instruments.   Please stop by and visit us any time between 6:30 - 8:30 PM on Thursday, August 7th.

7th Grade:  Instruments and materials should be brought in on Tuesday 8/5.  We are requesting that students bring in their own clip-on tuner from now on.  Students can keep the tuner in their instrument case or in their binder slot.  Please label.   Also, students should get the book "Essential Elements for Strings 2000: Book 2"   

Bring instruments and materials on Tuesday, August 5th.
Bring clip-on tuners and Essential Elements Book 2 by Monday, August 11th.

8th Grade:   Instruments and materials should be brought in on Tuesday 8/5.  We are requesting that students bring in their own clip-on tuner from now on.  Students can keep the tuner in their instrument case or in their binder slot.  Please label.    We will provide the method book for use in class, so there is no need to go out and buy a book.  We will let you know which books we are using, and if a student wants to have their own copy, you are more than welcome to go and purchase the method book!!!

Bring instruments and materials on Tuesday, August 5th.
Bring clip-on tuners by Monday, August 11th.

Monday, April 28, 2014

7th & 8th Grade Concert Postponed

The 7th & 8th grade end of year concert has been postponed due to predictions of severe weather on 4/29.   We have rescheduled the concert for Monday, May 12th at 6:30 PM.

The 6th Grade Orchestra, Fiddlers, Viola Choir, and Cello Choir will still have their concert on Thursday, May 1st at 6:30 PM.

Thank you.

Monday, April 21, 2014

Upcoming Orchestra Performance Dates

Friday, April 25th: Fiddlers perform for Picketts Mill Spring Fling (hosted at Allatoona High School)
6:30 PM

Tuesday, April 29th:  7th and 8th Grade Orchestra SPRING CONCERT.  (At Durham)
6:30 PM

Wednesday, April 30th:  Any Fiddlers who are available, we have been asked to perform in the lobby for the 5th Grade parent night for rising 6th graders. (At Durham)
6:30 - 7:00PM

Thursday, May 1st:  6th Grade, Cello Choir, Viola Choir, Fiddlers, SPRING CONCERT.  (At Durham)
6:30 PM

Thursday, April 10, 2014

8th Grade Orchestra night at Harrison

Tuesday, 4/15 

1.  What is it?
The 8th grade orchestras from Durham, Lost Mountain, and McClure will perform one piece each.  Following this, the 8th graders will perform along with the Harrison students on a challenging but fun version of "Pirates of the Caribbean"

2. Where is it?
We will be in the Presidential Gym at Harrison High School

3. What are the times?
Students should arrive at 5:20 for rehearsal.
Harrison will provide us with a pizza dinner around 6PM.
The concert will start at 7PM

4.  What should we wear?
For this concert, I would like students to wear casual to semi-formal attire.
(Khakis, dress pants, collared shirts, sun dresses, etc.)

Note:  This is for all 8th grade students, not just those attending Harrison.

8th Graders: If you would please take 5 seconds, and click this link, we need to give Harrison our numbers.  Thanks!  http://tinyurl.com/harrisonconcert

Sunday, March 16, 2014

6th Grade String Jamboree is on Tuesday 3/18!!

In case the sheets we sent home for Jamboree were misplaced, here is another copy for you.  Also, we are waiting on just 3 or 4 more permission forms to come in.  If your child has not turned theirs in, please print and send in before Tuesday.  Thank you!!!
Click for Jamboree Information
Click and print for the Permission Form

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Volunteers Needed for LGPE

Hello!  As you know, Durham is the host school for our Large Group Performance Evaluation (LGPE).  If you are able to volunteer time, or donate items for LGPE, we would greatly appreciate it!
Sign-up links are below.  Thank you!

To Donate Items:

To Volunteer Service:

Friday, February 21, 2014


Preview LGPE Concert for 7th & 8th Grade Orchestra
Tuesday, 2/25 at 6:30 PM
Students should report at 6:15
Informal attire (school clothes)

This preview concert will give us a chance to assess our needs for rehearsal and instruction as we approach our formal evaluations. 
      We will provide information about the LGPE process. 

      Durham MS is the host school on March 11th and 12th, and we will need some volunteers in order for the process to run smoothly.

LGPE Dates March 11: 7th Grade Evaluations @ 5PM
March 12: 8th Grade Evaluations @ 5PM

Thursday, January 30, 2014

Disney Parent Meeting Rescheduled: Monday, Feb. 3rd

We are going to have the Disney Parent meeting on Monday night (2/3).

Chaperone Meeting will be at 6:30PM in the orchestra room.
Parent meeting will be at 7:30PM in the theater. 

In the mean time, please sign and send in any of the 4 forms, if we are still waiting on them.  
The forms are:
1. Permission Slip
2. Code of conduct (student and parent signature required)
3. Medical Release form (notarized)
4. A photocopy of insurance cards if you have insurance.

Disney Refund Update

Dear 8th Grade Parents, We have been notified that the travel agency has sent out the refund check to Durham. When we receive the che...