Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Advanced Audition Scales

Current 6th Grade Orchestra Students,

Please take a look at this if you plan to audition for 7th Grade Advanced Orchestra. This details the practice help for the C Major Scale and Arpeggio. 

Violin: 34593Viola: 34594Cello: 34595
Bass: 34596 

After they type in the product number, they should click ok, then click on "Level 3: Sound Musicianship." They can then click on the practice track for #127, which is the C Major Scale in their book. The exercise for the C Major arpeggio follows that. They can use the video function to review their F and C natural (low 2) on the D and A strings should they need to do so.  

Should any student need individual assistance with learning shifting or their C Major scale, please email me and let me know.
You can go to https://sionline.alfred.com/activate and type in the product number of the book. i have provided the product numbers below:

Current 7th Grade Orchestra Students,

Please take a look at this if you plan to audition for 8th Grade Advanced Orchestra. This details the notes and fingerings for the 2 Octave G Major Scale and Arpeggio.

Sheet music link (skip the thirds, only look at scale and arpeggio): https://shop.theviolincase.com/template/printable/violin/2octGMajor.pdf
Be sure to play LOW 2 on A and E strings, no shifting required. 

You must play low 2 on the A string when you get there, and then shift (put your first finger on the note high D) and play 1 H2 3 4 in 3rd position (more details in the video link)

*note that he does several shifting exercises at the beginning of this before going into the scale. I suggest doing them though he plays more of a D major scale exercise before going into G*

sheet music link (2nd scale on the page) : http://www.gollihurmusic.com/eclectic/scalesbass.pdf

Should any student need individual assistance with learning shifting or their 2 Octave G major scale, please email me and let me know.

Jennifer Aikey

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