Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Parents, please fill out this parent information form so that we can keep our records updated.
If you have more than one child in the orchestra, please complete the form for each child.  
Thank you so much!!!

Also, we handed out a sheet that includes our materials list and our most important calendar dates.
Your child should give that sheet to you.

Saturday, August 3, 2013

Welcome to Durham Orchestra!!!

Welcome to the 2013-2014 school year!  This is going to be an AWESOME year.  We are expecting some great classes, activities, field trips, and performances.  We also have a new assistant director, Jennifer Parker, who is looking forward to meeting the Durham Orchestra community.

Best wishes for a wonderful year!
~Mr. Schroter and Ms. Parker

Disney Refund Update

Dear 8th Grade Parents, We have been notified that the travel agency has sent out the refund check to Durham. When we receive the che...