Monday, April 28, 2014

7th & 8th Grade Concert Postponed

The 7th & 8th grade end of year concert has been postponed due to predictions of severe weather on 4/29.   We have rescheduled the concert for Monday, May 12th at 6:30 PM.

The 6th Grade Orchestra, Fiddlers, Viola Choir, and Cello Choir will still have their concert on Thursday, May 1st at 6:30 PM.

Thank you.

Monday, April 21, 2014

Upcoming Orchestra Performance Dates

Friday, April 25th: Fiddlers perform for Picketts Mill Spring Fling (hosted at Allatoona High School)
6:30 PM

Tuesday, April 29th:  7th and 8th Grade Orchestra SPRING CONCERT.  (At Durham)
6:30 PM

Wednesday, April 30th:  Any Fiddlers who are available, we have been asked to perform in the lobby for the 5th Grade parent night for rising 6th graders. (At Durham)
6:30 - 7:00PM

Thursday, May 1st:  6th Grade, Cello Choir, Viola Choir, Fiddlers, SPRING CONCERT.  (At Durham)
6:30 PM

Thursday, April 10, 2014

8th Grade Orchestra night at Harrison

Tuesday, 4/15 

1.  What is it?
The 8th grade orchestras from Durham, Lost Mountain, and McClure will perform one piece each.  Following this, the 8th graders will perform along with the Harrison students on a challenging but fun version of "Pirates of the Caribbean"

2. Where is it?
We will be in the Presidential Gym at Harrison High School

3. What are the times?
Students should arrive at 5:20 for rehearsal.
Harrison will provide us with a pizza dinner around 6PM.
The concert will start at 7PM

4.  What should we wear?
For this concert, I would like students to wear casual to semi-formal attire.
(Khakis, dress pants, collared shirts, sun dresses, etc.)

Note:  This is for all 8th grade students, not just those attending Harrison.

8th Graders: If you would please take 5 seconds, and click this link, we need to give Harrison our numbers.  Thanks!

Disney Refund Update

Dear 8th Grade Parents, We have been notified that the travel agency has sent out the refund check to Durham. When we receive the che...