Tuesday, December 6, 2016

December Updates

Today in class, your child received a practice log that is due next Tuesday, December 13th. They should mostly be working on their music for their upcoming concert. Individual practice is critical to the success of the group, so encouragement of good practice habits is key. :) Please initial the practice log every time your child practices. (They will receive a 100 if they practice at least 4 days, 85 for 3 days, 75 for 2 days, 70 for one day or less) If your child plays cello or bass, does not have their own instrument at home, and does not have a ride/access to school instruments before school, please let me know so we can come up with an alternate assignment or way for them to practice.

I also wanted to go ahead and send out concert reminders.

Concert Date Reminders:

6th Grade, Fiddlers, and Cello Choir- Wednesday, December 14

7th and 8th Grade- Thursday, December 15

7th Grade Performance at the GA Aquarium- Friday, December 16

Both concerts start at 7pm, with students arriving at 6:30pm to be tuned. Make sure they are in uniform. (7th Grade girls dresses need to be hemmed if they have not been already!!)
Uniform 6th Grade- Durham white polo, black dress pants/long skirt, black shoes (black socks if socks are needed)
Uniform 7th and 8th Grade- Boys- Tuxedos, Girls- Uniform Black Dresses, black shoes

6th Grade Parents- The ASO forms and money is due on Friday, December 16. 
7th Grade Parents- Please don't forget that the $32 for the Aquarium trip is due tomorrow!
8th Grade Parents- We have a $150 Disney payment due on Friday (December 9). Your children are completing playing tests from their music in class this week. 

Disney Refund Update

Dear 8th Grade Parents, We have been notified that the travel agency has sent out the refund check to Durham. When we receive the che...