Our Pre-LGPE concert is tomorrow (Tuesday) at 7pm. Please have your child at Durham by 6:30pm for sign-in and tuning. 8th Grade will perform first. 7th grade Parents, you will find this concert to be very informative and helpful in understanding the LGPE process. :)
Also, McEachern's Orchestra is doing an awesome thing in helping provide lunch the day of LGPE. Your child should bring in $8 BY THE END OF THIS WEEK to the safe if they would like to purchase a Chick Fil A lunch, which includes a CFA sandwich, chips, cookie, and water bottle. If your child does not want to order a CFA lunch, they should bring a lunch the day of LGPE. (March 12 for 7th Grade, March 13th for 8th Grade). Tomorrow night's program will have detailed information on those specific dates and times.
We also need chaperones for March 12 (7th Grade) and March 13 (8th Grade). If you can chaperone, please email me back and let me know!
Thank you all for your support!!