Monday, April 30, 2018

Tuesday, April 24, 2018

Disney Trip Info

Please see the following attachment and follow the instructions if your child is attending the Disney Trip this year :

If your health insurance changed from last year (since forms were filled out in August 2017), please send us either a copy of your insurance card or send us the name of the insurance company, policyholder, Policy ID, and Group number ASAP! We have to make sure all health insurance information is accurate and up to date for all students. 

Thank you,

Jennifer Aikey

Wednesday, April 11, 2018

Disney Parent Meeting

Dear 8th Grade Parents,

The mandatory Disney parent meeting is Thursday, April 26th at 7pm in the Durham Theater for all parents. Students may attend also. One of our Assistant Principals, Shannon Thorpe, will be attending the meeting (as well as the trip) along with our travel agent, Mark Drury, to discuss important information. We will also make sure that everyone is squared away with paperwork, along with handing out an itinerary, packing list, etc. 

DISNEY CHAPERONES: your meeting is the same day an hour earlier at 6pm in the Chorus room. Students are NOT allowed to attend that meeting. If you are bringing your child, they must wait outside of the chorus room until the general meeting starts at 7. 

Thank you!

Disney Refund Update

Dear 8th Grade Parents, We have been notified that the travel agency has sent out the refund check to Durham. When we receive the che...