Please join our Remind if you are not on it already, and please have your kids join too if they have a device. Remind allows us to communicate via text about important updates while keeping everyone's phone numbers private:
6th Grade: text @6grorch to 81010
7th Grade: text @7grorch to 81010
8th Grade: text @8grorch to 81010
Here are important reminders form my January 17th email pertaining to 7th and 8th Grade LGPE. Please fully read if you haven't already!!
The 7th and 8th Grade Pre-LGPE Concert is (in 2 days!!!) Tuesday, February 25th at 6:30pm. Students do NOT have to wear their uniforms for this concert (to keep them in good condition for the LGPE event) and they will arrive back at the school at 6pm after going home as they normally would at 4:15. They are NOT staying after school. Please remind your child to sign in on the clipboard in the Orchestra room to receive credit for the concert. We could use a couple of parents to help facilitate this in the Orchestra room.
The 8th Grade LGPE Event is Monday, March 2 at North Cobb High School. Their performance time is 3pm, with an arrival time of 1:45pm. They will need to bring their uniform to school to change into. They will leave Durham by 1 via school bus. They will head back to Durham via bus at 5:15pm. They will need a ride back at Durham by 5:45pm.
The 7th Grade LGPE Event is Tuesday, March 3 at North Cobb High School. 7th Grade students will need to be in uniform with their instrument at Durham by 8:00am. We must leave Durham by 8:30am at the latest in order to meet our arrival time of 9am with morning traffic. Their performance time is 10:30am. They will be transported back to Durham via school buses for lunch at school.
We still need more chaperones for both 7th and 8th Grade LGPE. If you are able to chaperone, please reply back to me and let me know!
6th Grade Jamboree forms are due March 7th. Please send those and the $10 for transportation and dinner as soon as you are able.
There are a handful of students that still need to turn in a blanket permission form. I have given some of those students 2 additional copies. If I do not receive them, I will be emailing them out. We are required to have these forms signed in order to take a student off campus.
As always, we greatly appreciate your support, and I look forward to seeing many of you at the 7th and 8th Grade Concert Tuesday night. Thank you,
Jennifer Aikey